It is worth mentioning that job creation with a maximum benefit of using up-to date knowledge will improve the quality of projects' framework and time schedules. Taking all above mentioned points into consideration, Petro MehrPardis Company is capable of producing the required equipment of diverse industries, including the following items:
• Fix Equipment un including
Double Pipe heat-exchangers
Sample cooler and similar cases
Filters and Separators
Storage Tank
Steel structures
Double Pipe heat-exchangers
Sample cooler and similar cases
Filters and Separators
Storage Tank
Steel structures
• Design and participation in assembly of Skids and Packages like:
Filter Package
Fuel Skid
Lube Oil System
Cooling & Heating Packages
Metering Package
Dosing & Sampling Package
Analyzer Package
Fired Heater
Filter Package
Fuel Skid
Lube Oil System
Cooling & Heating Packages
Metering Package
Dosing & Sampling Package
Analyzer Package
Fired Heater
Also tests and inspections during the construction, operation and final on-shop and on-site tests will be performed inside or outside of the country, following the technical specifications, standards and requirements of different projects, according to the type of equipment and in the presence of customer's representative.
In addition, this company has the possibility of presenting necessary solutions for the installation, commissioning-start up and repair of equipment inside and outside the country through dispatching experts to the sites.